The unthought… is, in relation to man, the Other: the other twin, born, not of man, nor in man, but beside him and at the same time, in an identical newness, in an unavoidable duality –
Though this double may be close, it is alien, and the role, the true undertaking of thought will be to bring it as close to itself as possible.
Michel Foucault, The Order of Things, 326, 327.
In this series, I explore the boundary between the conscious self and the subconscious other. Growing up as a twin, my identity formed in conjunction with my brother’s, blurring the line between where I stop and where he begins. This visceral closeness has brought us together, drawn us apart, and intensified through our relationship as photographer and muse. I use the desert in my self-portraiture as an emotional landscape to grapple with that intricate internal experience, oscillating between connection and isolation.